Halal boneless chicken, fresh onion, green chili, fresh coriander, fresh mint, fresh ginger, fresh garlic, salt, mixed spices, water, chick pea, potatoes and benecel.
Cooking Instructions:
Appliances and utensils may vary so adjust cooking time accordingly.
Frying Pan: Preheat a lightly oiled pan. Fry frozen product over medium heat turning until cooked. Deep Frying: Preheat oil to frying temperature (170 degrees celsius). Deep fry frozen product (turning gently) for 2-3 minutes or until brown.
Caution: The product must not be cooked at higher than the recommended temperature. This may burn the product from the outside while the inside may remain uncooked.
Storage Instructions: Keep frozen at or below -18 degrees celsius. Do not re-freeze.